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Galvanizers Association of Malaysia

Overview and Objectives

Galvanizers Association of Malaysia (GAM) comprises many of the leading galvanizing companies throughout Malaysia. GAM is an industry Association established in 1997 to represent galvanizing companies and to provide technical consulting services on a not for profit basis. Mr Guljar Singh from Ultimate Galvanzing Sdn Bhd Chairman start 2017 till now.

  • Mr CS Chen is the founder and Chairman (1997 to 2016) for Galvanizers Association of Malaysia.
  • Mr Steven Quah from Progress Galvanizing Malaysia are the Deputy Chairman.
  • GAM are the member of Asia Pacific General Galvanizing Association.
  • GAM Organized successful conference, 4th Asia Pacific General Galvanizing Conference at Renaissance Hotel Kuala Lumpur on 12-15th September 1999.

9th Asia Pacific General Galvanizing Conference, been organized by GAM at Marina Bay Singapore on 8th -11th September 2013. The opening by Deputy Minister, YB Dato Dr James Dawos Mamit of Natural Resources and Environment.

Objectives Galvanizers Association of Malaysia

  • To develop, promote and protect the interests of Members in Malaysia;
  • To promote and encourage better trade relationships, cooperation and sharing of knowledge and technology amongst Members;
  • To make representations and recommendations and to liaise and hold dialogue with government and quasi-government bodies and other organization for and on behalf of the Members;
  • To mediate and act as arbitrators if deemed fir by the Council, or otherwise assist in the settlement of disputes and difficulties arising between Members and non-Members;
  • To foster closer ties with other associations, Chambers of Commerce. Mercantile and Public Bodies throughout the world and wherever desirable, to affiliate subscribe to membership thereof;
  • To provide meeting places, seminars and workshops for its Members to bring together persons engaged or connected with similar industries so that they may cooperate and mutual, exchange ideas and views for the, advancement in the interest of the Association;
  • To continuously update Members on technological and commercial development in similar industries;
  • To promote regulator’s standards and practices in the Galvanizing Industry to the members;
  • To carry out such other activities as may be delegated to the Association by any governmental body, statutory board or any other authority and generally to do all such other lawful things as the Council may consider necessary for the benefit of Members;
  • To encourage more participation of Hot Dip Galvanizing, Spinning Galvanizing, flat galvanizing, pipe galvanizing, general galvanizing, wire galvanizing, continues galvanizing, electroplating, diecasting, zinc supplier, chemicals supplier, equipment supplier, zinc chemical supplier local/International and related industry to joint the Galvanizers Association of Malaysia;
  • To promote and encourage more zinc supplier, zinc distributor, zinc producer, zinc trader and etc, to sell Zinc into Malaysia market.